
Data protection

We are attentive to European regulations for data protection, we make sure to respect and ensure that our partners respect the legislation as well as good practices.

We are committed to data protection !


Data protection is a major issue, we make sure to comply with all the directives of the GDPR and we are vigilant that our partners also respect the general data protection regulations.

What is GDPR ?

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is the new European reference text for the protection of personal data. This regulation makes the public and private bodies that process personal data accountable.

The regulations are based around 4 main item :

Consent : the data collect must be explicit, the company must be able to prove this consent (date…). The user can take back his consent at any time by specifying it.

Transparency : Companies need to provide users with clear and precise information on how data is processed. This information should be concise, comprehensive and accessible to all.

Persons right : this is one of the main objectives of the regulation which strengthens the rights of users. Companies must provide an easy right of access to stored user data through explicit tools or process.

Companies should also be able to delete data following an explicit user request. For all these actions the deadline will be 1 month maximum.

Responsibility : the regulation wants to make companies accountable for data protection. Companies will need to document their security procedures, as they will be responsible for user-supplied data. European companies will have to choose subcontractors with sufficient guarantees.